A Wild Card Kiss by Lauren Blakely

Sweet and funny, A Wild Card Kiss is a delightful romance that will leave you swooning. It’s the perfect book for when you’re in the mood for a sexy sports romance that’s rife with plenty of swoon-worthy moments.

This story actually begins over seven years before in the prequel A Wild Card Night when Harlan and Katie first meet at a wedding. The timing just doesn’t line up quite right then, which proves to be an issue for the two when they meet up in the future, too. When they do see each other again, he’s the hottie professional football player that’s got a daughter, and Katie’s running a very popular and successful yoga business with her sister. They meet after Katie discovers her mother making out with her (soon-to-be ex) fiancé. She’s still in her wedding dress sitting at a bar, and Harlan catches sight of her and goes to say hello. Sparks fly yet again with these two, but unfortunately the timing is all wrong given that her future was just upended by her smarmy ex-fiancé and awful mother. Harlan and Katie decide to give it some time and see if in a few months maybe they can make another go of things, and that’s when the story really takes off.

Harlan is just completely charming. I mean, the guy bakes pies. Pies! It’s adorable! And then how he is with his daughter and of course Katie? I’m pretty sure I actually swooned a time or two while reading this book. His character comes off as cheeky but sweet, and the combination is addicting. I love how he’s so masculine and yet such a teddy bear when it counts. His character is refreshing in the sense that he’s not just the sexy athlete, and instead he’s got these different sides to him. I really enjoyed his character.

And Katie? She’s a strong woman in charge of her life. And, while she’s been thrown quite the curveball recently, she’s still this fantastically likeable character that’s able to persevere. The way she and Harlan connect is sweet, and their chemistry is definitely there.

This book is set over the course of several years, so there are jumps in the timeline, and it works for the story. The time jumps didn’t make me feel like I missed anything, which I think is important. This book is well written, and the pacing of it works. I love that Blakely didn’t draw anything out too much but still constructed a totally thought-out romance.

This is a charming book and you’re going to fall in love with these characters. It’s absolutely the sort of book that will leave you smiling.

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